Hi Luis ,
Sorry for the late reply.
You are correct that the INDEXDEFRAG has been deprecated by Microsofyt, but it is not obsolete and has not been removed from TRIRIGA yet.
However, in anticipation of the command being removed from MS SQL Server, we have opened an internal work item to implement a replacement function (likely based on ALTER INDEX) at a future time.
For now, we advise customers to continue to use the command TRIDATA_DBCC_INDEXDEFRAG unless they have a DBA who can create something based on ALTER INDEX that would do the same work as TRIDATA_DBCC_INDEXDEFRAG.
If you have those skills available and would prefer to start using ALTER INDEX now, that is fine; however, we don't advise deleting the current TRIDATA_DBCC_INDEXDEFRAG. Implement a new solution and use that in place of TRIDATA_DBCC_INDEXDEFRAG instead.
I hope that adequately answered your question, but if you need any further information, please reply here and we will be happy to address it.
Rick Rhea
Senior Architect, Wipro Ltd
TRIRIGA Performance & DevOps