Hai All,
I facing issue in the installation process of TRIRIGA. I would like to know root cause. Please refer below lines for details:
WARN [com.tririga.platform.error.DefaultErrorServlet](WebContainer : 5) com.tririga.platform.util.locator.LocatorException: The Spring application context has not been initialized[MID-3491611228]
INFO [com.tririga.web.servlet.SpringWebInitServlet](server.startup : 1) Start - Initializing Spring Application Context
INFO [com.tririga.app.PropertiesServiceImpl](server.startup : 1) Loading TRIRIGA Properties...
INFO [com.tririga.dataaccess.ConnectionManager](server.startup : 1) J2EE_SERVER_TYPE = WebSphere
ERROR [com.tririga.dataaccess.ConnectionManager](server.startup : 1) java.sql.SQLException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-805, SQLSTATE=51002, SQLERRMC=NULLIDR1.SYSSH200 0X5359534C564C3031, DRIVER=4.26.14 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 51002, Error Code = -805
WARN [com.tririga.dataaccess.ConnectionManager](server.startup : 1) DATABASE_TYPE = generic
I have installed on DB2 , but I encountered DATABASE_TYPE = generic , But in my working TRIRIGA look like this - DATABASE_TYPE = db2
Please look into this. It would be very helpful for me. I am interested to know root cause and solution. Thank you in Advance.